
Three Never-Fail Touchstones to Help You Know If You're on the Right Track

What is your decision-making process like? Do you tend to make quick choices, based on instinct or snap judgments, or do you deliberate at length, considering every pro and con you can imagine? Once you have come to a decision, do you go forward with confidence, or do you question your decision and struggle with self-doubt?

Part of cultivating inner and outer peace is being able to make decisions with clarity, heart, and courage, even when you feel challenged to do so. It begins with your ability to discern between the positive possibilities and the impossibilities, the two lenses on life we have most recently been exploring.

None of us can know what the future holds. But we can learn to make choices based on the highest good of all. This week, let’s look at three powerful touchstones that I use daily to make decisions. Wonderfully, they also will support your inner and outer peace.

Three Words That Could Change Your Life

As you contemplate a decision, ask yourself: “Does this thought/word/action make me feel rooted, vital and expansive?”

Any thought, word or action in the positive possibilities will meet all three conditions. This is because those three words describe the inherent balanced state of Nature, of which you are an integral part. When you are in harmony with the whole, your thoughts, choices and actions are in harmony with Nature, your deepest truth, and the good of all.

To help you get a feel for the potency of rooted, vital expansion, think of a tree. A healthy tree has strong roots in the ground. Rootedness is a downward energy. It’s a reflection of being in your body, in this moment, connected to the planet, here and now. Vitality is an arising expression of aliveness, in which you feel animated, awake, and cognizant when you think about the possible choice to make. It is like the way the sap in a tree’s trunk carries vital energy throughout the living organism to keep it healthy. Expansion is like the broadening of the branches as they open to the sky. The leaves co-create with the wind and light, which nourish the whole tree.

When you practice feeling rooted, vital and expansive, just like a tree, you bring together the three aspects of maximum well-being and wise inspiration in every moment.

Take the Rooted, Vital and Expansive Challenge

Next week, we’ll look more deeply at these qualities. You can get started right now with what I like to call “the rooted, vital and expansive challenge”.

Throughout each day, continually inquire within:
● Do I feel rooted, vital and expansive?
● Does this action feel rooted, vital and expansive?
● Does this thought feel rooted, vital and expansive?
● Do these words feel rooted, vital and expansive?

Learning new habits takes time. When you are learning to ask yourself if a decision makes you feel rooted, vital and expansive, be patient. Give yourself the time to find a quiet place and tune in. Feeling in a rush or impatient only creates more disconnection and stress – which do not support you feeling in harmony with the whole.

Over time, tuning into feeling rooted, vital and expansive will become second nature. Remember, no matter how good an offer seems, if it does not meet these three essential touchstones, then it is best to let it go.

I would love to hear from you about your practice of incorporating these touchstones into your life. Please let me know how it is going!

From my heart to yours,

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