Positive Possibilities Reminder – August 19, 2016 at 09:44AM

When you unearth yourself from the burden of limiting thoughts, you discover that in the perfect now, you have all you need. You begin to live in “I am” consciousness, that is, in the flow of pure consciousness arising. This is not dependent on thoughts like “I am a doctor. I am a mother. I am a swimmer. I am a gymnast,” etc. You are simply “I am.” When you add descriptions after that simple truth, you add an I-dentity, a label, a story over what is. You become identified with your actions, rather than rooted in surrendered being.
We are human beings, not human doings. Our value is in our beingness. Though we may do beautiful or horrific things, our inherent goodness lies beyond that. We are born of the infinite. To the infinite we must return.
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