
Why I Love Mercury Retrograde

Several years ago, while pursuing music and yoga, I was also drawing and painting extensively. In addition to creating fine art, I illustrated several books. One of these was a spiritual book dedicated to the goddess. Having finished my work (or so I thought), I mailed the final cover illustration off to the publisher. A few weeks later, I was shocked to hear from the publisher that the image had never arrived. It was a full colour, hand-drawn original, so there was no backup. After weeks hoping it would somehow turn up, I had to face the hard fact that it had been lost in the mail and was not coming back.
I distinctly remember the moment I realized it was time to start the illustration again from scratch. I had drawn the original with deep devotion. The thought came to my mind, “I guess the goddess was not happy with it.” I saw that I could be distraught at the loss, or dejected at the idea that my work had not pleased the goddess, or frustrated at the need to redo it all. Yet, most clear for me was that somehow, the loss felt in balance.
I buckled down, pulled out a new piece of art paper and started over with more surrendered focus, devotion and zest. The final illustration ended up being much better than the original. It really shone! If the first one had not gotten lost, the second, much better one would not have taken shape, nor gone to print to be seen by millions of people worldwide. Because of the apparent setback, the end product was stronger, served a greater whole and gave me the opportunity to not only discover more potential in my art, but develop spiritually. It was a true win-win!
I share this story with you today because we are now in an astrological period that will likely have us facing setbacks while retracing our steps, whether we wish to or not. We can perceive this as a curse or punishment of some kind, or we can receive it as a gift that allows us to discover ways to move through our lives with greater clarity, heart and presence.
We have just recently experienced a lunar eclipse. The sun will undergo a total eclipse on Monday, August 21, with a lingering effect well into the week. (Please read my recent post What to Do During an Eclipse.). Meanwhile, Mercury is among several planets currently in retrograde motion, a period where it appears that they move backwards through the sky relative to Earth. Mercury retrograde is often seen as a cause of stress or even suffering, as communications and travel can be disrupted.
I see people reacting in various ways to Mercury retrograde periods, which happen four times a year. Some dismiss it entirely, as I used to do. Some post on social media to warn their friends that it’s “that time again”, as though it were incoming bad weather for which they need to be on their guard. Some aggressively try to make things go the way they want – only to find difficulties and frustration. Others, feeling defeated before they even begin, passively hunker down and wait out the period without doing much of anything. Yet, from my experience, all of these may miss meeting the real gift of this astrological period.
When I first came across astrology, I dismissed it as silly. It seemed far-fetched to think that distant planets whirling through space would have any power over my world. Back then, I was convinced that if you put your mind to what you wanted, you would get it.
When I co-formed my first musical band, I found out that my creative partner was a hard-core astrologer in addition to being a musician and composer. I dismissed his conversations with his astrologer friends as “astrobabble”. My willful style of living bumped into his fateful approach at times, until one day, I was brought face to face with the undeniable power of the planets to affect our lives.
We were coming close to wrapping up the recording and production of our first studio album, but were unable to complete the project because unforeseen obstacles seemed to continually set us back. I saw these obstacles as simply a sign that we needed to try harder and apply ourselves more diligently to the task at hand.
My bandmate had another outlook: it was Mercury retrograde, and Mercury ruled all things to do with communication. While Mercury was in this debilitated state, things were bound to come up that would hinder our ability to complete the project. Only when Mercury went direct would we be able to complete the task we had set out for ourselves and finalize the album.
I thought that was completely ridiculous. How could a planet 77 million kilometers away from the Earth have anything to do with me and the recording gear that was right in front of us? I insisted that we just had to plow on through this apparent planetary challenge and ultimately succeed at getting what I wanted.
I was being given a chance to see that when our minute egos try to take on an energetic presence as large as a planet, we inevitably fail. Once we realize there are powers far greater than what we may understand or know, we open to the possibility that we might not have it all figured out just yet.
The planets become great allies to our growth when we understand our place in the universe and learn to work respectfully with the power they have. If we do not, they can show us their might whether we like it or not.
We can even see this in the planet on which we stand. Earth gives us the matter from which our bodies are made, and the elements that support life. Yet, the more we act in ways that harm the whole, the more forcefully the Earth speaks, through increasing heat and agitation, to say that this must change. As I have been coming to terms with the sobering reality of the damage we have done to our planet, I have kept in mind the teaching of the lost illustration. Rather than becoming despondent, I have opened to a call from the planet to work with its potent energies in whatever way I can be of service. As such, I have been moved to rally friends together and put all our efforts into the swift and necessary realization of MAPS (the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary) that keeps our planet cool and weather (and food supply!) in balance. If you have yet to do so, please sign our petition at today. Your voice counts.
As surely as my bandmate predicted, our album was not completed during Mercury retrograde. Yet, the very day Mercury left retrograde and went direct, the album came together with impeccable convergence, as a better and more cohesive work than we had previously envisioned. I was speechless. WHAT had just happened? How could this be?
I began to pay closer attention to astrological influences and learn about the power of the universe of which we are a part. Becoming open to the significance of the planets and the beauty of astrology added rich colour to my life. Reverence for the universe and the planets that affect us all is now part of my everyday experience.
Though Mercury’s retrograde period is the one of which we hear the most, all planets go into retrograde motion at times, as perceived from the Earth. At this time, all planets in our solar system from Saturn outward are in retrograde: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Saturn’s effect is the strongest of these four.
Saturn, the slowest-moving planet, has been retrograde since this spring, and finally goes direct on August 25, at the same time as the last of the effects of the solar eclipse will pass away. Saturn’s influence is that of a stern taskmaster who supports us working with discipline and righteousness. When Saturn is retrograde, tasks may feel heavier or take more time, lacking the powerful support of this planet.
Saturn is also said to be the Lord of Karma, and its retrograde period is a time where karmas are resolved. While this may feel painful at times, it is in the burning off of karmas that we can escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth, and merge permanently in the One source of pure consciousness.
Mercury, associated with the Roman deity who is the winged messenger of the gods, is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system. It rules the mind, and the way we communicate and express ourselves. When Mercury is retrograde, as it is until September 5, 2017, there tend to be disruptions and delays in communications, technology, business and travel.
Mercury retrograde periods may not be the optimal time to sign a contract, travel, move house, buy electronics or begin a new venture. If you are looking at life through your habitual mind, you may not be seeing with true clarity. What you believe to be sure and fixed may end up reversing itself once Mercury goes direct. This is all the more true while we are also in an eclipse period and influenced by the other retrograde planets.
However, I have come to love Mercury retrograde. It is an excellent time to follow through on things you set in motion in the past, to address backlogged tasks that have been on your to-do list for a long time, and to practice crystal-clear communication with others. If you are willing to let your ego soften and get out of your own way, you will learn tremendously valuable lessons during retrograde periods, gifts that become irrevocable parts of your very essence.
Be open to new options during this time of apparent reversals. See if you can go deeper into yourself to touch that which is timeless, expansive and whole. Try to move beyond your go-to way of seeing situations. Just beyond your habits lie tremendous possibilities. Discover ways to express yourself more clearly and directly, without attachment or taking things personally. At the same time, if misunderstandings happen, you can see them not as something unfair or happening to you, but as a chance to practice clarification.
One of the key phrases in my song “Open To This Love” is “The present is the present. Just open”. Whatever comes your way in this moment is a gift. You are part of the whole, perfectly unfolding universe. These times of planetary retrograde, that seem to challenge your normal perception of forward momentum, are gifts. They help you see more clearly, walk more wisely, live more fully.
If you find during Mercury retrograde that you are revisiting work, needing to repeat yourself, or encountering more difficulties than usual, open to the possibility that the universe is gifting you with new insight and opportunity.
As you move through the following days, consider the following questions. I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to share your responses in the comments below.
What is the greatest seeming obstacle you are facing right now?
In what way could it be a gift?
What have you been called to refine and strengthen during this retrograde period?
In which way are you attached to life unfolding in a certain direction?
In what ways will you move forward more clearly?
Until next time,
Love yourself.
Love others.
Love our world.
We are one Earth family.