Daily YEM Inspiration

Even as you do the same pose over and over, remember that each practice is entirely unique. It is a new moment. It is a new and fresh experience. As you breathe and move in and out of poses, consciously thank your muscles for stretching. Thank your bones for bearing weight. Thank your organs for doing their work. Thank your body for being such an amazing vehicle for your spiritual journey while on Earth.
Your body is just a temporary sheath and not who you are. It is yours to maintain, but it is not “yours”. This is important to remember, as it is very easy to be attached to our form, and forget that our true nature is formless, one with infinite consciousness.
Give thanks for the very gift of breathing, the gift of even being able to move. These are things we take for granted. Bringing our attention to them helps us remain humble, open, honest and true and remain present in the awesome gift of this body and this life. This brings yoga to life.
Cultivate the practice of sending love and gratitude to your body at all times, whether you are walking down the street, waiting for a bus or doing a yoga class. The practice of yoga, developing a deepening sense of rooted interconnection, is everywhere and always. Let the practice of sending love to your body become a part of your daily routine.
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